I think the Universe is trying to tell me something. For in this latest issue of Maria Brito’s The Groove newsletter (No 187), two quotes from artist Faith Ringgold, her story, and some ferocious journaling have spurred me into action. Also because we had a sunny day on the Saturday before last. We sat on the terrace, drank vin rosé, ate olives and became a little pink. The bees were deafening. The air lavender, rose and jasmine scented. The lonely mallard came by to look at the pool. The Cat played it cool. This was after Himself had cut the grass and before he came down with a bad bout of hay fever. It was marvellous.



“…Your job is to tell your story. Your story has to come out of your life, your environment, who you are, where you come from.”



“You can’t sit around waiting for somebody else to say who you are. You need to write it and paint it and do it. That’s the power of being an artist.”




So I have recoloured one of my old designs, have started work on adapting another into a repeating pattern, which is proving to be a bit trickier than I had anticipated, and have made a decision about what to do with Arjan’s Pots. And realised that my home is my perfect canvas. My life both the medium and the brush. Which is as it should be.


Perhaps, finally, I am ready to call myself an artist. Aloud.


A bientôt


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