Dear peoples, it’s déjà vu all over again. Here in the UK at least. But let’s not dwell on that. Let’s dwell on happier things, you know, like mince pies and nice wine, and warm fires and good health. And that last year’s frozen Christmas turkey might actually be eaten this year.
And that I am ridiculously pleased with how my Christmas cards have turned out. I’ve had them professionally printed and, boy, what a difference that makes.
Let’s dwell on this, my favourite restoration of the moment, an artist’s studio in Notting Hill, London. And on these beautiful hand-made wooden spoons by Luke Hope. They are way more than utensils. They are truly works of art.

And on these fabulous paper fruits and vegetables by Ann Wood… and that insects may well have feelings.
Let’s dwell on this soothing video by carpenter Dylan Iwakuni in which he demonstrates the intricacies of Japanese joinery… and on the news that Lego is now producing home wares. How cool is that?
Oh, and that I have ended this second mad pandemic year with a burst of creativity. The reworked designs are due back from sampling any day now. Phew!
Of course, all my achievements, mostly small and occasionally big, of this roller-coaster year would not have been possible without the help and support of Duncan, resident designer at William Clarke & Sons, my family and friends and those kind enough to take the time to comment on my work. I am hugely grateful to you all.
And heartfelt thanks to the Boyfriend… for his unstinting support and encouragement, his patience and understanding, not to mention his technological wizardry. Thank you J.
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and here’s to better things in 2022.
A bientôt
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