Last Saturday was the hottest day of the summer so far, reaching a very warm 35°C. So of course we decided to brave the city and have a wander around Masterpiece London. Fortunately they laid on golf buggies to take us from the gate across the park to the show pavilion. Very civilised it was too though I am convinced our driver on the way back was either channelling Ayrton Senna or was in desperate need of the loo. We survived. Here’s a snapshot of what caught my eye…
Every time I visit a show, I long for deep pockets. And more space at home. My favourite piece among my favourite pieces is Sitting Boar Maquette by Terence Coventry (1938-2017), mostly because of his charm. He invites a pat on the head, and possibly even a hug. It’s clear his maker has a great affinity for him.
The story of his maker touches and inspires me too. Terence Coventry studied at Stourbridge School of Art and went on to study painting at the Royal College of Art. After his request to change to the sculpture course was refused, he left London to farm in Cornwall. Natural talent will out. There followed many years ploughing, sowing and reaping, and thinking and forming sculpture while sitting atop a tractor, and eventually it seems he had no choice but to make. How glad I am that he did. You can see more of his wonderful work at the Pangolin Gallery.
And yes, I have a thing for animals…
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