I‘ve just written 150 words on being Better at…, a challenge set by David Hieatt of Hiut Denim. They don’t just make fab jeans; they also publish an annual Yearbook, which is something I’ve not known a maker of jeans to do before. This year’s topic is on the power of incremental improvement – you can read more about it here. David has invited submissions to the Yearbook on being Better at… a whole heap of interesting topics – daydreaming, stories, conversations, to name but a few.
I thought I’d give it a go. 150 words is really not a lot. And being succinct is something I could definitely be better at.
I’ve no idea whether or not they’ll like it, let alone include it in the book, but at least I’ve taken the leap…and a deep breath… and pressed SEND. Now, I need a cup of tea… and a biscuit. It is, after all, Friday.
Where could you leap today? Give it a go. You never know where it might lead.
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