You know, dear peoples, I never expected that I would still be surrounded by boxes over two years after leaving the Flat. But here we are yet again, reboxing the few things that we had unboxed. There are a lot of boxes… I suspect they are busy replicating when I’m not looking. There is no other way to account for it. For I have been very strict with myself. And have only purchased those books and ceramics that were absolutely necessary since moving here.
Now they too have been packed away. The house feels drab and forlorn without their cheerful colourfulness and colourful cheerfulness. I do not have the makings of a minimalist. Variety, colour, pattern bring me joy and lift my spirits. Which is why it seems obvious to me that a prescription for a visit to a museum might be just the thing for those feeling low, as they are trialling in Brussels. I think that our drive to create and to engage with art and to decorate, both ourselves and our surroundings, is integral to our wellbeing. And not just an optional extra.
Art comes to the rescue yet again. This time in the form of an underwater sculpture park off the coast of Tuscany that is helping reduce illegal overfishing in the area and is also a draw for tourists. Genius.
Great art of course can also help us make sense of the world. Sense seems to be in short supply at the moment. I was heartened to read this article from Big Think. Although America-centric, its general upbeat view on where the world is heading over the next 25 years is an antidote to the “end-of-days-ism” so prevalent now. I think we could all do with a bit of positivity, which, it turns out, is also good for your health.
I have been cheered by the vibrant abstractions of weaver Suzie Taylor and photographer Sebastiaan Knot. And here it is, my favourite project/restoration of the moment, a 1970s house in Noe Valley, San Francisco, brought beautifully up to date by Studio Terpeluk. I was also reminded of the fantastic work of Giuliano Andrea dell’Uva, he of the fabric-lined showers, and that rare thing, an architect happy to embrace colour. I particularly love his ability to insert exciting contemporary interiors into old buildings. He’s definitely a source of inspiration for the perfect house.
This month I’ve been enjoying Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott, which is both funny and instructive, and The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman. I am delighted to discover that it’s most definitely the fault of whatever it is that you can’t get to work like it’s supposed to. So there…
A bientôt
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