Well, here we are, arrived at yet another Christmas. I have officially been in business for over a year now. I can scarce believe it. Ideas for designs continue to materialise… reassuringly. And I’ve managed to publish a Musing every other week, which I find quite amazing. It was touch and go there a couple of times you know. I hadn’t realised quite how much effort it would entail, having never written anything before apart from the obligatory school and college essays. Not even a journal. Actually most things I’ve done this past year I’ve not done before, which has been tremendously exciting, somewhat terrifying and irritatingly frustrating in equal measure. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the annoying minutiae of the day to day, such as my current obsessive wrestling with what must be the most non-intuitive computer program I’ve ever encountered. In fact, it wasn’t until my very dapper, street dancing breast surgeon G remarked to me recently, “you’ve come a long way,” that I stopped to appreciate that I had.
It was a perspicacious comment as just at that time I was berating myself for not having got further forward with my marketing efforts. Marketing is a peculiar kind of magic that I haven’t quite got to grips with yet. In truth I find talking and telling folks about my work more than a little daunting, though I am vastly proud of myself for firstly having had a coat made in Konica Apricot and secondly actually wearing it. Out. In public. We’ll skate over the fact that they got the pattern the wrong way up, this despite the very helpful UP with an arrow printed along the fabric edge. Fortunately nobody seemed to notice. Yes, I’ve come to appreciate my Grandmother’s insistence on explicit and detailed instructions. In writing. Preferably with diagrams.
Of course, all my achievements of this past year, both big and small, would not have been possible without the help and support of the wonderful Duncan, resident designer at William Clarke & Sons, my family and friends, and those kind enough to take the time to comment on my work. I am hugely grateful to you all.
And heartfelt thanks to the Boyfriend… for his unstinting support and encouragement, his patience and understanding, not to mention his technological wizardry. He has surpassed himself this year, which is quite an understatement. Thank you J.
Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas. See you in the New Year.
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